Week 6: a Series of Little Moments

This week has shown me the difference a few days can make. Weather-wise and metaphorically too. The bright blues and greens of english summertime were replaced by greys and murky greens for a few days. Sure I’d prefer a sunny day over a cloudy one. But I kinda enjoyed the cooler weather for running, theContinueContinue reading “Week 6: a Series of Little Moments”

Week 5: a Series of Little Moments

There was a lot of green this week. I always thought blue was my favourite colour, I love blue sky and the blue sea. But now that my runs don’t involve running to or along the coast, I’m beginning to appreciate the greenery more than I have before. The UK countryside is BEAUTIFUL. One goodContinueContinue reading “Week 5: a Series of Little Moments”

Week 4: a Series of Little Moments

I can’t believe I’ve been doing this project for over four weeks now. We’ve been in lockdown now for over seven weeks, which I never foresaw back in March! This week I tried to bring play back into exercise. I was taking the fun out of it by focusing on speed and distance, but IContinueContinue reading “Week 4: a Series of Little Moments”

Week 3: a Series of Little Moments

We’re into the third week of these posts! The days are blurring into one which on one hand makes this time FLY by, but also these have felt like the longest three weeks of my life. Anyone else in the unemployed boat and with me on that one? Looking at this weeks posts, they accuratelyContinueContinue reading “Week 3: a Series of Little Moments”

Week 2: a Series of Little Moments

This week seemed to be all about food and blue skies. I’m really enjoying having so much time to spend cooking, learning new recipes and learning how to use up the leftovers in soups. We also had our first lockdown takeout this week and couldn’t resist having fish and chips again, even though we’d alreadyContinueContinue reading “Week 2: a Series of Little Moments”

Week 1: a Series of Little Moments

Seven days has passed remarkably quickly considering its been seven days in lockdown. Despite the sadness and madness going on in the world right now, when I look back over these little moments in lockdown I get a sense of comfort and joy. My days haven’t been particularly eventful – a characteristic of my lifeContinueContinue reading “Week 1: a Series of Little Moments”

A Series of Little Moments

For the next while I’ll be sharing a photograph a day. A series of little moments, each one capturing a little bit of life. This is a little different to the usual content, but I hope you enjoy! I’ll post daily to my Instagram (follow @annacas_well to keep up to date) and collect photos weeklyContinueContinue reading “A Series of Little Moments”

India: Photographs of Insignificant Moments

I don’t have many of the usual holiday pics of me standing in front of things from India. But I have got photos that bring back feelings. Ones that remind me of the days without big, notable experiences to tell people about, but full of lots of little experiences that changed me. In a fewContinueContinue reading “India: Photographs of Insignificant Moments”